Membership Selection

Application Details

Payment Details

Request Received
Unit PriceTotal
Total   %
Powerhouse Partner
This is a 12-month membership
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

Business Listing on Chamber Member Website, Option to host a Morning Mingle or After Hours Mixer.

Option to display company brochure/business cards at Chamber Office

E-blasts, Linkable Business listing on Chamber Website (Up to 2 categories) Member 1st referrals,

Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening Ceremonies,

Can Serve on the Following:

Serve on Chamber Committees, Serve on Board, Serve as a Chamber Ambassador

Sponsorship opportunities

1 Set of mailing labels annually (Please request as needed)

Recognition Logo on Friday Eblast

Recognition at New Member Orientation (Membership 101)

Recognition at Events

Table for 8 at Chamber Banquet

Table of 8 for 4 Chamber Luncheons (State of the County, State of the Port, State of Legislature, State of Industry)

Full page ad in Discover Ingleside Guide

Company logo on All print material

Recognition on All on-line event advertisements (include link where applicable)

Company Logo on Volunteer T-shirts

20 Round Up general Admission tickets

1 VIP Table for 8 at Round Up (Both nights)

Allowance to put towards a Chamber Event of your choice

Sponsor CEO with continuing education

Company Logo as sponsor on Billboard ads

Recognition on TV/Radio ads

Linkable logo on All pages of Chamber Website

Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

All Sales Final After payment.