Membership Selection

Application Details

Payment Details

Request Received
Unit PriceTotal
Total   %
This is a 12-month membership
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

Business Listing on Chamber Member Website, Option to host a Morning Mingle or After Hours Mixer.

Option to display company brochure/business cards at Chamber Office

E-blasts, Linkable Business listing on Chamber Website (Up to 2 categories) Member 1st referrals,

Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening Ceremonies,

Can Serve on the Following:

Serve on Chamber Committees, Serve on Board, Serve as a Chamber Ambassador

Sponsorship opportunities

1 Set of mailing labels annually (Please request as needed)

Recognition Logo on Friday Eblast

Recognition at New Member Orientation (Membership 101)

Recognition at Events

Table for 8 at Chamber Banquet

Table of 8 for 4 Chamber Luncheons (State of the County, State of the Port, State of Legislature, State of Industry)

1/2 page ad in Discover Ingleside Guide

Company logo on All print material

Recognition on All on-line event advertisements (include link where applicable)

Company Logo on Volunteer T-shirts

15 Round Up general Admission tickets

1 VIP Table for 8 at Round Up (Both nights)

Allowance to put towards a Chamber Event of your choice

Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

All Sales Final After payment.